the state is also referred to as "

adminadmin 03-05 111 阅读 0 评论

  爱尔兰岛没有脱离英国的时候,为什么英国当时有5支足协球队?而且北爱尔兰当时与爱尔兰是分开,足协去参加?the state is also referred to as "

  the state is also referred to as "



  爱尔兰共和国,也就是南爱(英国对爱共的叫法,世界不通行),是新成立的球队。和过去的历程没有继承关系。相当于民主德国。(爱尔兰出版的地图,一般把北爱尔兰六郡在内的爱尔兰全岛涂成一个颜色,毕竟之前在欧盟也没有硬边界,脱欧之后也是在海上边界,北爱和爱尔兰没关税)The 1922 state, comprising 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland, was "styled and known as the Irish Free State".[22] The Constitution of Ireland, adopted in 1937, provides that "the name of the State is Éire, or, in the English language, Ireland". Section 2 of the Republic of Ireland Act 1948 states, "It is hereby declared that the description of the State shall be the Republic of Ireland." The 1948 Act does not name the state as "Republic of Ireland", because to have done so would have put it in conflict with the Constitution.[23]The government of the United Kingdom used the name "Eire" (without the diacritic) and, from 1949, "Republic of Ireland", for the state;[24] it was not until the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that it used the name "Ireland".[25]As well as "Ireland", "Éire" or "the Republic of Ireland", the state is also referred to as "the Republic", "Southern Ireland" or "the South".[26] In an Irish republican context it is often referred to as "the Free State" or "the 26 Counties". state is also referred to as "the state is also referred to as "

  我去过爱尔兰玩,地图确实不一样。大学同学去那边留学工作结婚定居,北爱和南爱确实没边界,从当地人看法,比中国香港和内地更像是同一个国家。1921年“爱尔兰自由邦”(Irish Free State,即现时的爱尔兰共和国)成立将爱尔兰一分为二,以贝尔法斯特为基地的爱尔兰足球协会(Irish Football Association,简称IFA)承接以前的英属土爱尔兰(爱尔兰全岛)继续运作,而“爱尔兰自由邦”于1926年亦在都柏林成立另一个爱尔兰足球协会(Football Association of Ireland,简称FAI),两个足球协会在爱尔兰全岛挑选球员出赛及声称代表整个爱尔兰。这个情况直至1946年双方的边界确认后仍未结束,1950年订立规条双方需挑选各自边界内的球员出赛才结束。为避免混淆,一般称IFA为北爱尔兰,而FAI为爱尔兰共和国或爱尔兰。迪纳摩001|从格拉斯哥德比看北爱尔兰问题-喜马拉雅北爱足协由贝尔法斯特地区的足球队于1880年推举组成,作为爱尔兰全岛足球竞赛的统筹机构,是仅次于英格兰足球总会、苏格兰足球协会及威尔士足球协会之后世界第四个国家足球协会。1921年爱尔兰进行分割,爱尔兰自由邦足球协会(FAIFS,即现时的爱尔兰共和国足球协会)成立管理爱尔兰自由邦(Irish Free State,即现时的爱尔兰共和国)内的足球事务,新协会认为应由位于爱尔兰首府都柏林的他们代表爱尔兰足球,而原协会的支持者则辩称应由主要的足球比赛地区阿尔斯特(Ulster)及其主要城市贝尔法斯特的协会代表爱尔兰。双方争持不下,各自宣称代表爱尔兰全岛,分别在已分裂的敌对联赛中挑选球员代表以爱尔兰为名的代表队。国际足联介入调停,将“法律上”(de jure)组织权付予北爱足协,管治爱尔兰岛北部六个郡,唐郡(Down)、安特里姆郡(Antrim)、阿马郡(Armagh)、伦敦德里郡(Londonderry)、蒂龙郡(Tyrone)及弗马纳郡(Fermanagh)的足球比赛,成为原爱尔兰足球协会正统的延续,1950年代以后爱尔兰共和国足球协会已不再声称其为代表爱尔兰全岛的足球协会。

the state is also referred to as "

the state is also referred to as "

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